And we go again, once again it is difficult to arrive at fatherhood on the first Italian radio. We wrote Sergio Anastasio, speaking to Radio Television Emmanuel. Anastasio has shown us (with lots of documentation) that the broadcaster was born in February 1973, so we can say is anticipated radio talking Radio Camonica Valley, Central Power Radio, Radio Parma and Milan Radio International (invite the protagonists of these issuers to submit documentation ). TV talking Sergio Anastasio follows Peppo Sacchi (TeleBiella), documents in hand but we can say that Sergio Anastasio was the first in Italy to give the same street to a radio and a private tv (Peppo Sacchi, at least from what our records) created then a radio, other historical radio did not give birth to a TV, or if they created the TV came later. Therefore Sergio Anastasio comes in its own right in the history of Italian private television and then on our site.
Sergio Anastasio Emmanuel was born in Ancona on June 14th 1930, since young passion to photography and began work as a photographer, in the immediate postwar period begins working as a photojournalist with the Corriere Adriatico. Completed studies began to love the director, while doing the work as a journalist working with some local newspapers, runs a Carousel starring Franco Franchi and Ciccio Ingrassia, and several videos for private companies, also founded a film school Centro Studi Film. Anastasio works as a photographer and journalist with the Resto del Carlino, Il Messaggero, TIME and crimen. We are in the 60s, those of economic boom, think today (in the satellite, internet and multimedia communication) a promotional video is perhaps still too early for the times. Italy is not America, and in the United States and Canada Sergio Emmanuel Anastasio travels often for work (also runs some documentaries) and upgrade. During a trip to Canada and the U.S. remains impressed by way of television in those countries, many broadcasters and all in private hands, anyone can pass on buying space from television broadcasters and obtaining sponsors. He returned to Italy Sergio Emmanuel Anastasio lives on a cable TV Emmanuel TV and Radio Television Society Emmanuel. Emmanuel colleague with some friends a few outlets with cable, and even some houses, is on June 14 1968 (day of his birthday trentottesimo) with a film, overtaking Dino Risi (released six years before, something unthinkable for Rai then transmitting film twenty years old) will inaugurate the Emmanuel TV programs. Anastasio, unknowingly, had anticipated the pay TV many years. "It was my passion for cinema to make me take the decision to irradiate the first cable and terrestrial film." Life is tough for Anastasio and his tv, no one talks about him, it remains at the local level, turning to TV and for our early 70s. During yet another trip to America, in 1972, this time as assistant director of Roy Hill in the movie The Sting with Paul Newman, Anastasio knows the director of a private Canadian television: "it shall be called Canale9 - remember our -- and I commissioned a program on Italian-Canadians. I went back to Italy to interview the Italians (not just the Marche Region) who had relatives in Canada, the addresses they gave me the issuer, the experience went on for several years, with the money they earned with the Canadian TV could take Life TV cable. In America I learned to make a real TV, with sponsors and with programs to sell advertising space. On 14 July 1973 on via Anastasio from the experimental broadcasts of Radio Emmanuel (then perhaps this is the first Italian private radio?) And begins to offer cable TV on some programs "self" as a local tg, documentaries and cultural items. On 14 July 1974 Emmanuel TV begins its broadcasts over the air radiating its programs by UHF channel 53. The name of Anastasio meanwhile figure in the famous ruling of the Constitutional Court in July 1974, together with Peppo Sacchi (TeleBiella), Paolo Romani (TeleLivorno), Paul Cattozzi (TeleReggio), Sylvester Murtas (TeleNovara), Paolo Romani (TeleLivorno) and Other pioneers.
"I chose to start radio broadcasts on July 14 1973 and those of TV over the air on July 14 1974 for cause: as the revolutionaries seized the Bastille, I occupy the ether. Everyone waited to see if finivo in jail or if I would have won the battle. " Sergio Emmanuel Anastasio therefore can be considered the pioneer of private television in Italy, claims to have anticipated Peppo Sacchi, we promised that we will send documentation on the subject, and begins to refer to the book THEORY AND PRACTICE OF JOURNALISM adopted in the course of journalism ' Order of the Marche region in which, on page 115, there is talk of Radio Television Emmanuel as the first Italian private broadcaster: "The difference is that my case initially did not buzz because they spoke only a small local newspaper, while that of Sacchi had Peppo major national newspaper. " Also speaking radio Anastasio was a precursor anticipating, we are awaiting the documents, Radio Bologna, Camonica Valley Radio, Radio Parma, Milan Palmanova Radio and Radio Milano International. Anastasio is proud to have paved the way not only to other broadcasters in Italy, but also to European TV: "I call everyone to ask advice: were other pioneers, the famous video of the Tupamaros, who decided to give his life in the city to a tv local. But the ruling of the Constitutional Court was also important in Europe since the monopoly existed in France, Germany and other nations. " One can almost say that Emmanuel Sergio Anastasio has led America into Europe. "I gave advice to the early pioneers of cable TV in Italy were two to register as the news organization in court and to collaborate with a professional journalist on TV. Article 21 of the Constitution could not be erased, we went to court invoking its Article 21, and we would have won the cause. " The government of then-Anastasio recalls ever - chaired by Giulio Andreotti with a minister called Gioia, legislate in favor of the monopoly and against freedom of antenna, but a law of this kind was not the prerogative of the government but parliament. Against private TV rule the three major parties (Communists, Socialists and Christian Democrats), were positive only Liberals and missin, the Republicans are astennero. Ugo LaMalfa gave us reason, however, arguing that such a measure would be debated in Parliament and demanded the resignation of the minister for "incompetence and inability."
"The number 0 of Millecanali (the most prestigious magazine in the sector came in 1974 under the name Millecanali Tv, ndr) - Anastasio tells me - it speaks of my Film Studies Center, and there are interviews with politicians on breaking the monopoly Rai ".
The famous ruling of the Constitutional Court liberalize the air, not only Radio Television Emmanuel other television but were not considered illegal, and so began "the adventurous history of private television in Italy."
The experience of Radio Television Emmanuel lasts until 1982: "nine years unforgettable, with great rewards," Anastasio makes everything: director, editor, conductor of tg and reader gr: "I benefited from the fact that you have studied diction, field I now teach me. " Anastasio works two hours people, the radio broadcasts for 10 hours a day, the TV for six hours. The air was then blocked in the area were not yet born other private broadcasters, my tv could cover much of the Adriatic coast (up to Trieste on the coast and the then Yugoslavia), paradoxically, was not visible over Mount Conero blocking. Sergio Emmanuel Anastasio said that I was contacted by telephone by some Trieste who had requested to send some movies broadcast on its issuer.
The success of Radio Tele Emmanuel lead Anastasio, between the second half of the 70s and start of the 80s, to be hosted by television programs on the national circuit, starting at MAURITIUS COSTANZO SHOW. "Costanzo had already invited me in when Rai was even an author of texts and worked in radio, I remember that I called the radio program mouth. In Rai was also the victim of irony Rai joked that on my tv with the ONDA FREE with Roberto Benigni, program directed by Beppe Recchia. There's also - continues Anastasio - who wanted to make the irony about me and my tg wrote "esilirante tg, one man show with the owner who put the camera on the empty desk, went and began to read news on capital . When he later began to select saying this is not the ve read, so there no matter ... perhaps have written to envy, perhaps because they do not understand the genuineness and spontaneity of a free TV. "
Csc Radio Television Emmanuel closed its doors in 1982, after nine years and many unforgettable broadcasts that dealt topics of culture, psychology and knowledge of our being.
"The causes of closure were many. First there was a contraction of advertising, were born the network and many other local broadcasters, then could not longer use the seat to Mazzini path where I was for rent. I remember that the owner of the needed cash, come to meet me I propose to buy the property but asked me a figure of 200 million, a figure much higher for those times. I organizzai then to move into a home and smaller device, worked a couple of months for the move, but a landslide in the Ancona did damage to some of the equipment of radio and TV. What remained was the revenge of the plant construction entrepreneur Longarini (who was also editor of the newspaper THE JOURNAL OF ANCONA) that had decided to invest money in television.
From 1983 to 1992 Anastasio works in Galaxy TV, a circuit of local broadcasters acquired by Longarini, which covered the entire region Marche, Longarini had meanwhile set up a Radio Galaxy. Anastasio on Galaxy TV leads a program of commentary to the facts of the day. And, once again, Anastasio is the victim of irony, this time by the jalap's Band, which presents the TUTTOLOGO, parody of its transmission broadcast on Galaxy TV, Anastasio, it reminds me of having a dedicated bet its broadcasts to replicate the jalap's
Ended the Galaxy TV experience, having made other corporate videos, Sergio Emmanuel Anastasio was dedicated to teaching, is currently the director responsible dell'Accademia delle Belle Arti di Ancona Emmanuel, where he teaches film courses directed film, acting, diction and so on. "They are students from around the world, in these days came a German lady who had heard of my school friends from the film industry." Nemo prophet at home, is the Latin motto that is best suited for Anastasio and other characters that, like ours, had just wrong to do that earlier. Today Sergio Emmanuel Anastasio is also writing three books: a fiction for children, a history of Italy and one on the history of religions. And about history, a portrait of Emmanuel Sergio Anastasio could not fail in our historic site.

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